

Dec 21

Board of Management Meeting – Agreed Report

The most recent meeting of the Board of Management of Scoil Iosa took place on the 20th December 2016. It was agreed that the following information would be shared with all members of the school community.

  • €386 euro was raised for the school in TESCO’s fundraising initiative;
  • A Health and Safety audit will be undertaken in the New Year;
  • All parents/guardians who have not paid the book rental fee will be contacted in the new year and asked to pay this much needed contribution to the school;
  • All parents/guardians are actively encouraged by the Board of Management to ensure their children are not unnecessarily absent from school; The Board appreciates the efforts made by staff to improve school attendance;
  • Local political representatives have been asked to make representations to the Minister for Education with respect to the urgency of advancing the school’s building application.

The Board of Management would like to thank every member of the school staff for the wonderful they do support and help the children. The Board would also like to thank the children and their parents/guardians for their continued cooperation and support.

We wish every member of our school community a very happy and peaceful Christmas.