

Jan 12

School Closure

Dear Parents,

Please click on the link below to see the most recent letter sent to parents regarding the current school closure.

Parents who did not receive a printed booklet of learning activities in the post on Monday should let us know as soon as possible.

Parents who require any form of support should use the list of contacts below. We will be happy to answer any question you may have.

Yours faithfully,

Michael Tunney and Monica Duffy

Child’s Scoil Iosa Google AccountGo to www.google.ie firstname.lastname@scoiliosaballina.ie Initial log in Password: Ballina2020
Teacher’s Emailfirstname.lastname@scoiliosaballina.ie e.g.  Ms. Keane – brid.keane@scoiliosaballina.ie
Email Supportgemma@scoiliosaballina.ie
Telephone Support  – M. Duffy and M. Tunney096 96201
School Mobile087 2180041
Bernie McGoldrick
(Home School Community Liaison Teacher)
087 2510154 bernie@scoiliosaballina.ie
Monica Duffy – Emailmonica@scoiliosaballina.ie
Michael Tunney – Emailmichael@scoiliosaballina.ie
School Websitewww.scoiliosaballina.ie